
Future MacBooks Could Come With A Retractable Keyboard

One of the benefits of Apple shifting to ARM-based chipsets is that information technology might accost thermal problems that one might associate with regular computer processors. This also ways that Apple could do away with additional components like a fan, and equally a consequence, we could exist seeing thinner laptops from the company in the futurity.

It could besides, in theory, permit them to fit in a new keyboard. As discovered by Patently Apple, it appears that the Cupertino company could be toying around with a new thought for a keyboard in the form of a retractable design. This means that the keyboard will retract into the instance of the laptop when closed, and will raise upwards to a higher place the base of operations of the chassis when the lid is opened.

Past creating a retractable design instead of having a stock-still keyboard, it could potentially shrink the thickness of the laptop. However, given that this is simply a patent, there's really no telling if Apple plans on making this a reality, although we have to admit that nosotros're not 100% sold on the idea. Retracting means having to add more moving components which gives information technology a greater adventure of failure.

Apple ran into issues when they tried to reinvent the laptop keyboard with their butterfly switches, which ultimately led them to sort of admit defeat past bringing dorsum the scissor mechanism. Don't get u.s.a. wrong though, this patent sounds like an interesting idea, but how applied it may be is a unlike story.

Filed in . Read more nigh Keyboards, Laptops, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro and Social Hit. Source: patentlyapple


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