
How To Make A Histogram In Excel Mac 2016

This is a step by step guide on how to make a histogram in Excel using Data Analysis ToolPak.

Charts and graphs help you to summarize your data visually. If you publish a report with some values only, the policymakers will stumble on information technology to go the insight from your report. So Reports or Excel Dashboards are made of huge charts and graphs and other information visualization tools.

In this post, I will talk most a special type of Excel chart. It is histogram nautical chart or you can call it a frequency distribution nautical chart. There are a good number of ways to make a histogram chart. In this web log mail, I accept shown total 7 ways to make a frequency distribution table. In most of the ways, I accept used Excel functions, in 1 method, I have used Pivot Tabular array. You will also get my FreqGen Excel template to brand frequency distribution tables automatically.

But in this web log mail, I am going to show yous how to make a histogram in Excel in the easiest style: using the Analysis ToolPak Excel add together-in.

How to Make a Histogram in Excel

To build a histogram in Excel, I have used these information.

How to make a histogram in Excel Img1

This data is used to make the histogram.

Download the above Excel Workbook!

There are total 40 values in this list. And the values range from 3.24 to 96.76. So, I am going to make the bins with bin size 10. And so my first bin will be 0 to 10, I input the upper value of the bin, 10, in cell B2. While creating histogram nautical chart, Data Analysis TookPak needs only the upper value of the bin. Thursday next bin is greater than 10 and less than or equal to 20, so I input value 20 in cell B3. At present I select these two cells and drag downwards up to cell B11. That places the 10 upper values of the bins.

How to make a histogram in Excel Img2

Bins are created

Now allow's evidence y'all how to employ the Data Assay ToolPak to brand a histogram using this data. In the Data tab, and in the Analysis group of commands, you will become a control named Data Analysis. If you don't see the command there, then the ToolPak is non activated.

Installing Analysis ToolPak

Let me prove you lot how to add Information Assay Toolpak.Click on the File tab, then Options, and click on the Add-ins tab on the left side of the Excel Options dialog box. On the right side and nether the list ofActive Application Add-ins, you will not find the Assay ToolPak. Yous will find information technology under the Inactive Application Add-ins.

How to make a histogram in Excel Img3

Installing Analysis TookPak

Let's activate the add-in. [Above image] under Manage drib-down, Excel Add-ins is already selected. Click on the Become… button on the correct. Add-ins dialog box appears. Analysis ToolPak check boxis not selected. Just select the checkbox. And click OK.

Now you notice the Data Analysis command will exist showing under the Analysis group of commands in the Data tab.

Creating Histogram Using Analysis ToolPak

Click on the Data Analysis command in the data tab. Data Assay dialog box appears. You will discover several Data Analysis tools in the window. I select histogram and click OK. Or I can double click on the histogram option. Histogram dialog box appears.

In the Input range, I select these values from cell A2 to A41. In the bin range, I select values in the cells B2 to B11. There are Output options hither. Y'all can see your output in three ways:

  1. You can show your output in the same worksheet, in that case, y'all will select the Output range option and on the right side field, you will gear up the cell where you want to see the output.
  2. You can also show the output in a new worksheet, past default this option is selected.
  3. Or yous can run into the output into a new workbook.

I want to encounter my output in a new worksheet. New Worksheet Ply is selected, it is OK. I desire to see the effect in a nautical chart also, so I select this Chart Output option. Now I click OK.

Histogram Options

Histogram Options

You encounter a new worksheet is created. In the worksheet, you lot get the Bin, the frequency distribution table and y'all get the histogram nautical chart on the right side of the worksheet.

How to make a histogram in Excel Img5

Histogram with Chart

Let'due south analyze the above chart a little flake. Between 0 and 10, nosotros become 3 values, between ten and twenty, nosotros get 6 values, between 20 and xxx we become iv values and so on. It is articulate from the chart that the data does non bear witness any design.

Histogram chart is an of import concept in information analysis. When you will learn how to create Bong Bend in Excel, this technique volition be useful to yous.

Histogram chart can show great insights from your sales and other concern related data.

Read More

  • The Chief Differences between a Bar Graph and a Histogram
  • Stock render analysis using histograms & four skewness of histograms


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